People who work for a living know about the inequality of power between employers and employees. Workers form unions so they can have a voice on the job to improve their lives, their families and their communities.
With a union, working people win basic rights, like a say in their jobs, safety and security. Unions help remedy discrimination because union contracts ensure that all workers are treated fairly and equally. When there’s a problem on the job, workers and management can work together as equals to solve it.
Higher union wages translate into stronger tax bases for our communities, better schools and infrastructures and healthier local economies. And when workers have a real say in their hours and working conditions, they can spend more quality time with their families.
Unions help make sure our nation prioritizes working people’s issues. Unions hold corporations and public employers accountable, make workplaces safe and fight to protect Social Security, retirement benefits and quality health care.
Your right to join a union is protected under the Constitution of the United States. Many states and jurisdictions, including Ohio, also have additional laws protecting and strengthening this right. In America, your freedom of speech and your freedom to associate are guaranteed. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
For more information about how OAPSE can help make your life better at work and home, click on Why Join OAPSE? or call 1-800-786-2773 and ask for the organizing department.