With more than 34,000 members in 480 locals around the state, the Ohio Association of Public School Employees (OAPSE/AFSCME Local 4) is the most powerful voice for the hard working men and women who serve Ohio’s school children, community and technical college students, those in early childhood education programs, children and adults with special needs and those who take advantage of our public libraries and other community services.
All across Ohio, OAPSE/AFSCME fights every day for a better way of life for our active members and retirees, and we work for a more secure and certain future for those who dedicate their lives to Ohio’s children and most vulnerable citizens.
The leaders and activists who make up OAPSE/AFSCME don’t believe in waiting for the fight to come to us. That’s why you’ll find us everywhere from the state capitol to the picket line to the campaign trail and the voting booth.
We are committed to developing and implementing the most effective programs in the labor movement. Our staff is professional, aggressive and well-trained. They work side-by-side with OAPSE/AFSCME members to win strong contracts, workplace grievances and disputes, and critical state and local legislation that directly impacts members and their families.
OAPSE/AFSCME is first in the fight to secure strong contracts, protect health care benefits for active and retired members and secure local and state funding for public schools, libraries, community and technical colleges, Head Start agencies, county boards of developmental disabilities (DDs), and residential care facilities for adults with disabilities.
OAPSE/AFSCME gets results. That’s why more than 12,000 new members have joined our union since 1989. And it’s why we will continue to grow and advance the cause of our members and their families.
OAPSE/AFSCME is working toward a better future for Ohio, for our members, and for the children and the families we serve.