Ohio Association of Public School Employees

Stronger Together.

Leadership Training

For the rest of 2021, all leadership trainings will be conducted online as webinars and the $10 registration fee is currently being waived.

Officer Institutes (OI)
Officer Institutes are for Local and District Officers. Whether you are a newly elected officer or a veteran of many years you will find this training invaluable. This one day training is designed to train Local Officers to effectively run their Local, organize the Local, mobilize the membership, and effectively represent the members in grievance and discipline matters. Officers attending also receive Member Action Team (MAT) training. Each officer who attends receives an Officer Institute Binder that includes a State Constitution, a Procedural Manual detailing: How to Conduct a Local Meeting, A Grievance Handbook, a Numbers that Count Manual, a Talking Union One-on-One Manual, information on the History and Structure of the Union, responsibilities of membership, AFSCME United and PEOPLE operations, a Treasurers’ Manual and Audit Guide and information on the AFSCME Advantage Program for members.Local and District Officers are sent Officer Institute Registration Packets from the State Office. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis and all attendees must pre-register. A non-refundable $10.00 registration fee for each attendee is required.


Collective Bargaining Institutes (CBI)
This one day training is designed for the Local President and his/her Negotiating Team. Negotiating Team members attending the CBI will receive a Collective Bargaining Manual and will receive detailed instruction in each of the four major components of Collective Bargaining: Preparing to Bargain, the Collective Bargaining Process, Negotiating Health Insurance and the Strike and Strike Preparation. Attendees learn how to build a powerful network and then use that power to win at the negotiations table. Local Presidents are sent Collective Bargaining Institute Registration Packets from the State Office. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis and all attendees must pre-register. A non-refundable $10.00 registration fee for each attendee is required.



Grievance Steward Institutes (GSI)
This one day training is designed for the Local Officer and Stewards who have the responsibility to represent the membership in grievance and disciplinary matters. Attendees receive a Grievance Manual and instruction on representing members, protecting their rights, and overall Contract Enforcement which includes how to write the grievance, how to do a proper investigation, how and where to obtain documents and materials to support the grievance, interviewing witnesses, and the Do’s and Don’ts at the Grievance Hearing. Attendees learn to properly and effectively represent their membership.Local Presidents are sent Grievance Steward Institute Registration Packets from the State Office. Registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis and all attendees must pre-register. A non-refundable $10.00 registration fee for each attendee is required.


Health Insurance Institute
This training is the first step in the process directed at creating joint labor-management health care committees that can cooperatively work together to identify problems, collect and analyze information, make recommendations to employers and unions, and help educate employees about health care. This program consists of intensive training in health insurance, procurement, and problem solving for labor-management committees.

The most important part of this process is the commitment of each individual committee member. The willingness of each member to participate in their health care committee, as demonstrated through involvement and participation throughout the training and in subsequent meetings, is essential.