College is expensive. But your OAPSE membership can help you afford tuition for your son or daughter who is heading off to further his or her education next fall. The 2020 OAPSE/AFSCME Memorial Scholarship application is available now and can be found in the Members Only section of the website.
The OAPSE/AFSCME Memorial Scholarship Foundation Program is available to any graduating high school senior whose parent or legal guardian has been a member in good standing of the Ohio Association of Public School Employees (OAPSE/AFSCME Local 4/AFL-CIO) for one year (or who signed up for OAPSE/AFSCME Membership at the first opportunity after hire). The graduating senior must intend to enroll in a full-time degree program in any two (2) or four (4) year accredited university, college, business or technical school. The scholarships may be used for any field of study.
Under the program all applications are reviewed by the Scholarship Selection Committee. From the applicants who meet the eligibility requirements, at least one scholarship of $2,500.00 is awarded to a scholarship applicant in each of the ten (10) OAPSE/AFSCME Districts in the state.
Award money is distributed by the OAPSE/AFSCME Memorial Scholarship Foundation, Inc. Donations to this fund are tax-deductible on an individual’s annual income tax filing. Donations are also encouraged by our union Locals and Districts, as well as by businesses and corporate sponsors.
You will have to verify membership for your child to be eligible.
Click here to view the application.