To: OAPSE Members
From: Executive Director Joe Rugola
Re: Governor Mike DeWine’s Cuts to Ohio’s K-12 Education Budget and Other Public Services
Today, Governor Mike DeWine announced deep cuts to K-12 education and other public services which may affect the services our members provide.
The education cuts of $355 million, or 3.7 percent, impact May and June of this academic year. Details of the cuts will be unveiled tomorrow by the governor’s budget director. Until then, we don’t know how these cuts will impact individual school districts.
No cuts have been announced for the 2020-2021 school year. However, we anticipate – and have been sharing with you – that tax revenue collections will be down significantly and will result in budget shortfalls in school districts and local governments across Ohio. Unless, that is, we get additional funding from the federal government.
That’s why it is critical that you take action today to urge Congress to pass a Phase IV Stimulus Bill – expected to be called the Heroes Bill.
AFSCME International and OAPSE are working with members of Congress to gain support for the more than $700 billion we need to fund critical public services like those you provide.
It is important that they hear from you, the people in their districts who vote for them. They need to hear that Ohioans need and deserve the critical services you provide in all the jobs you do all over our state in our schools, head start agencies, libraries, boards of developmental disabilities, community colleges and residential services sites.
AFSCME is running ads on your behalf across the country urging Congress to approve a $700 billion stimulus bill. You can see them by clicking here. Please share widely on your social media accounts.
Click here to find your U.S. Representative and call him/her today.
Call Senator Rob Portman at 202-224-3353
Call Senator Sherrod Brown at 202-224-2315
Obviously, this health emergency presents many uncertainties. But one thing is sure — OAPSE will continue to fight to protect your jobs, your pay and benefits. And we will stay in touch with you to provide answers as we know them.
Thank you, sisters and brothers, for making these calls and your support to make sure Congress #FundstheFrontLines.
Stay safe and stay well.