To: OAPSE Members
From: Executive Director Joe Rugola
Re: Licensing Deadlines for OAPSE Drivers
Driver Licensing
OAPSE continues to work with the office of Governor Mike DeWine and the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) to provide clarity to our members who are required to be licensed by the state of Ohio.
The ODE has provided new information about preservice certificates and T-8 physicals. Those OAPSE members who have licenses expiring during the state of emergency will have until 90 days after the state of emergency ends or until December 1, 2020, whichever comes sooner, to renew their licenses and get their T-8 physicals. The ODE will officially announce the date the state of emergency ends.
State officials also pledged that instructors will work with drivers in their regions to ensure those who need the classroom portion of the license will be able to get the training. Drivers who attended class but were not able to complete all required training before the state of emergency was declared on March 9, will also have until 90 days after the emergency ends or December 1, 2020, whichever comes sooner.
Additional guidance from the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles regarding extension times for CDLs, drivers’ licenses and registrations can be found by clicking here.
Direct Deposit for Stimulus Checks
We also have an update for OAPSE members about stimulus checks and how to provide the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with direct deposit information. This is for OAPSE members who typically receive their refunds by check or who are not required to file a tax return. Click here to go to the page with information about what to do.
4th Stimulus Bill
Together with our International union, OAPSE is pressing elected officials at all levels for the necessary funding to continue to provide critical services to Ohio students and families. We will keep working with the Ohio Congressional delegation on a bipartisan Phase 4 stimulus bill that will provide state and local governments and schools with billions in funding, and give direct financial support to OAPSE members and working families across the state.
OAPSE Staying on the Job For You
We will keep fighting to keep you safe and to ensure that your pay, benefits and job security continue through this health emergency. No one knows how long this will last, but all evidence points to the fact that physical distancing works. Staying home works. And keeping space between each other at work is helping to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We know you are doing your part to keep Ohio safe because we see you during school visits with your field representatives and through the pictures you send us. If we continue being safe while at home and at work, we can hope to put this health emergency behind us more quickly.
We want to thank you for everything you are doing to help students, families and our most vulnerable Ohioans through this tough time. Click below to hear my phone message to members. And if we don’t have your phone number, you can provide it by visiting and signing up for critical alerts.
And continue to check your email, Facebook, Twitter and for the latest information on COVID-19 and other important issues.
Also, we know many of you are at work cleaning our schools, preparing and delivering meals, and taking care of children and our communities. Please send us photos of this important work — with names and local unions —
so we can post to our social media accounts and share with all Ohioans how important the work of OAPSE members is to our communities. And please be mindful of physical distancing as you take photos of the important work you are doing!